Department of Chemistry, Dept. of Materials Sci., Dean Faculty of Science & Technology, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi, India. M.Sc., Karnatak University, Dharwad (1982), Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, University of Poona, Poona (1987). Post Doctoral (Res. Assoc.), School of Materials Science, University of Manchester & UMIST, Manchester, UK (1996). Post Doctoral (Res. Scientist), Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore (2000), Post Doctoral (Res. Scientist), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (2006), Areas of Specialization: 1. Materials Chemistry: synthesis, characterisation and studies of functional materials (ceramic, polymer composites and conducting polymers). 2. Nano Chemistry and Nano science: synthesis of Nanomaterials through wet chemical, microbiological and bio routes. Characterisation of Nanomaterials, and studies on nobel metal nanoparticles (bare and functional) as contrast agents. 3. Solid state reactions. 4. Drug delivery system 5. High Energy Materials 6. H. index 14 (Source –Scopus, Detaille data base) Citations > 1042. 7. Lectures delivered: No. of Popular lectures in Science: 55. No. of Lectures delivered at National Conferences/Seminars/Symposia etc.: 50. No. of lectures delivered at Int. Nat. Conf./seminars: 15 (including, Lectures/inv. talks at Univ. of Manchester, Hungarian academy of sciences, Budapest, Center for funct. Materials Inje univ. South Korea, Indian Inst of Sci, Bangalore. 8. No. of Lectures delivered under INSPIRE program: 25. Mentor, INSPIRE Program in Chemistry, by DST (GOI, no.2046).