Prof. Maurizio D’Auria was born at Roma in 1953 and was graduated in Chemistry in 1977. From 1979 until 1981 he had a fellowship of Fondazione Donegani at the National Academy of Lincei. From 1981 until 1992 he was researcher at the Chemistry Department of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. From 1986 until 1991 he had a cooperation agreement with Centro di Studio per la Chimica delle Sostanze Organiche Naturali of CNR. In 1988 he was visiting professor at the Silesian Technical University of Gliwice in Poland. From 1992 until 2001 he was associate professor at the Science Faculty of the University of Basilicata. From 2001 he is full professor at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Basilicata. From 1994 until 1996 he was President of the Sezione Basilicata ofthe SocietàChimicaItaliana. From 2000 he is member of the board of directors of CINMPIS (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Metodologie e Processi Innovativi di Sintesi). He is member of the Editorial Board of Arkivoc and Letters in Organic Chemistry (Regional Editor). He is member of the executive committee of the European Photochemistry Association and Editor-in-chief of the EPA Newsletter. From 1985 his main scientific interests are focused on photochemistry. He worked mainly in the study of new photochemical processes in the field of the heterocyclic compounds and now he is working in the study of new stereoselective photochemical processes. Other activity fields were organic synthesis, theoretical organic chemistry, and the chemistry of natural products, particularly in the field of biomass treatment.