Prof. V. Jagannadham

Prof. Jagannadham hails from a small remote village Kakarla of the undivided Khammam District and at present Bhadradri-Kothagudem District. He had his primary and middle school education in his native village Kakarla (1957-1965) and High School education (1965-1969) from the holy town of Bhadrachalam. Prof. Jagannadham had all his university education right from BSc (Special) (1973), and MSc (1975) to PhD (1979) from Osmania University campus. Then he obtained his DSc (Doctor of Science) the highest degree from Sambalpur University, Orissa in 2009. Prof. Jagannadham joined Osmania University in 1983 after a brief serving as lecturer for 5 years during 1978-83 at Sardar Patel College, Secunderabad. He was a CSIR-New Delhi - Junior Research Fellowship Holder - 1976-1978. He visited Germany 4 times as Post Doctoral Fellow (Max-Planck-Institute for Radiation Chemistry, Germany - 1980-82, 1984, 1986, 1988) and USA (University of Kentucky, USA - 1991-93), (University at Buffalo, USA - 1993-95). He was a Summer Professor (Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA - 1997) and Visiting NSF(USA)-DST(India) Summer Research Professor at the University of Connecticut, USA-1999, 2000, 2001, 2002). He was a Part-Time Post-Doctoral Student (D.Sc. at Sambalpur University - 2004-2009). He is the second faculty member in the entire Faculty of Science of Osmania University to receive this highest degree (DSc), and also to my knowledge in the entire state of undivided Andhra Pradesh.

His research interests were reaction kinetics and mechanisms (India), radiation chemistry and fast reaction kinetics (Germany), organic cation reactivity (USA). Out of his total 126 publications include 10 publications in Journal of American Chemical Society and one review article in Royal Society of Chemistry, special publications to his credit which is a dream for any academician. He is a well toured academician to Germany, USA, England, Belgium, and Hungary for attending conferences to present his research. Also he toured in India attending Annual Convention of Chemists, Indian Council of Chemists. After retirement in 2010 he shifted his research interest toward “Chemical Education”. Since 2010 he has published over 60 research papers in the field of “Chemical Education” alone.

Now he is Editor-in-Chief of “World Journal of Chemical Education” published by Science & Educational Publishing, USA. Board#.Ui6C2tIduI

He has published 126 papers and 4 review articles with an average impact factor of 2.1 and more than 2000 citations. The RG score is 28.9, h-index is 21 and RG reach is 518. Contributed a Chapter entitled “Linear Free Energy Relationships (LFER) as a One-Hour Classroom Lecture for Postgraduate Students: Correlation of the Nature of the Transition States” to “Chemistry Education in the ICT Age” Published by Springer, New York. Recipient of major and minor research grants from DST and UGC.